As a certified yoga instructor (RYT) who has obtained a Master's of Science in allied health professions and occupational therapist (M.S.), I can really help tailor yoga in a more client-centered and body-science based approach than the average yoga instructor. I help clients improve both their mental and physical fitness through yoga and mindfulness. I also specialize in healing body image (body acceptance, gratitude, and love) through yoga, mindfulness, and meditation from based on research and a Healthy At Every Size (HAES member/ clinician) approach to empower individuals on their bodies and lives. As a Mental Health Transitional Specialist I assist clients in transitioning into (a good fit) and out of treatment, back into their meaningful lives. I provide an array of supportive transitional services based on clients' specific needs. I also work with individual who are not needing to transition into treatment (but have had a history of mental health treatment), but rather can use a little extra support now and then during a difficult time period.