Pro Se Legal Document Service
HistoryLow Cost Legal Docs and Taxes was started in 2009, primarily as a bankruptcy preparation business. Now, we are registered, bonded Legal Document Assistants and Certified Tax Preparers, assisting pro se litigants with the entire gamut of legal paperwork.SpecialtiesFiling for bankruptcy relief from creditors, a right guaranteed in Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution, is a very difficult decision. Bad Debtors often seek to file bankruptcy as a last resort, to protect themselves from collections, liens, judgments, garnishments, foreclosures, repossessions, and creditor harassment. Bankkruptcy attorneys typically charge $1,000 - $1,500. If you have made the decision to file bankruptcy, chances are you don't have this kind of money for legal fees. That is where we come in. Upon obtaining some very basic information from the debtor, we can type a Chapter 7 or 13 petition, for a flat $150, plus applicable filing fees. Our turnaround time is typically 48 - 72 business hours. For our customers residing in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, or California's Central Valley, we can also file the petition for you, at the appropriate District Court.