We have evolved through the years to now offer a full clinic of mental health specialists to support people through trauma, high stress events, addictions, difficult transitions. We use evidence-based therapies that are on the cutting edge of healing.
We all have a desire to live full, rich lives - yet sometimes there is something that stands in the way... Together we work to create a safe space to begin exploring what's been happening in your life that is causing difficulties. When we become wrapped up in stuck patterns it is often connection with others that we need most, yet this is what is difficult to maintain. At Integrating Insights we help people find freedom in their minds and lives again using a curated model grounded in mindfulness-based, EMDR-aided, trauma and attachment therapy. We firmly believe in each person's ability to heal from patterns and memories that cause so much pain. Our work focuses on helping people find more meaning, peace, and vibrancy in their lives.