Welcome to Rasayana [Rah-sah-yana] - a holistic treatment and education center specializing in the oldest continually practiced health care system in the world: Ayurveda [ah-yer-vey-duh, -vee-]. Nowadays, most of us know yoga provides valuable tools in healing a myriad of health issues - from the physical to the mental and emotional. It is only natural that as we continue to delve deeper into the therapeutic benefits of yoga, we will inevitably be led to her sister science, Ayurveda - and learn how to maximize our body's capacity for self-healing. Rasayana is where I combine my love of exchanging ideas, values, and traditions of other cultures, with my previous experience in allopathy and offer you real-life strategies for managing your well-being. Using only the very best of materials and supplies, you'll receive holistic treatments from a highly trained and licensed practitioner with almost a decade of professional experience.
Traditional Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork, Therapeutic Massage, Private Yoga and Pranayam Instruction, Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Counseling, Educational Workshops