Routinify is a Denver-based company that offers a comprehensive telecare service called WellAssist, designed to support and monitor the health, safety, and well-being of aging adults. Their all-in-one solution utilizes real-time data collected from wearables, medical devices, in-home sensors, and a senior smart display to enable aging adults to live independently at home while ensuring their care needs are met. With customizable care plans and 24/7 engagement and visibility, Routinify provides peace of mind for families and caregivers, allowing them to ensure their loved ones are living their best possible lives. Routinify's WellAssist solution addresses the anxiety and uncertainty faced by families and care providers who cannot be with their aging loved ones 24/7. By linking wearable devices and senior smart displays, Routinify enables the implementation of a comprehensive care plan with continuous monitoring and engagement. Through their holistic approach, Routinify empowers aging adults and their care circles to establish and maintain habits for aging well, leading to improved quality of life and peace of mind for all involved.
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