National Mah Jongg League Foundation Inc
Atlantic Legal's MissionThe Atlantic Legal Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public interest law firm with a demonstrable history of advancing the rule of law in courts and before administrative agencies by advocating limited and efficient government, free enterprise, individual liberty, school choice and sound science. Atlantic Legal provides effective and decisive legal representation, without fee, to parents, scientists, educators, and other individuals, corporations and trade associations.Atlantic Legal has established an endowment fund in honor of Ernest B. Hueter, who served as a director of the Foundation from June, 1980 until his death at age 89 on February 26, 2010.Ernie Hueter was born in California on June 15, 1920. His forbearers were pioneer California professionals and.. [Ms. Utecht is Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of FMC Corporation, a $3.0 billion publicly - traded chemical company headquartered in Philadelphia, PA.Prior to joining FMC in July 2001, Ms. Utecht was Senior Vice President, Secretary.. [ more ]Atlantic Legal has filed an amicus brief on behalf of several scientists in Shelby v. SeaRiver Maritime in the California Court of Appeal, once again raising the issue of the standard of admissibility of scientific expert testimony in California.Atlantic Legal is a leader in the fight to ensure that parents have choices about where their children go to school. We are strong defenders of charter schools, advocating for school choice in the courts and educating the schools themselves about their rights.A core component of Atlantic Legal's School Choice program is the website Please visit for more information.As toxic tort, product liability and other litigation become increasingly prominent areas of law for the plaintiff's bar and increasingly significant for U.S. business and professional organizations, Atlantic Legal Foundation is fighting tirelessly and successfully to guarantee that the expert medical and other testimony upon which such cases depend is grounded on scientific methods and genuinely reliable.Atlantic Legal Foundation's activities concerning important issues of federal and state constitutional law have included participation in important cases involving: Free Speech, Equal Protection, Due Process, Federalism, Separation of Powers, Property Rights, arbitrary and capricious exercise of governmental power, as well as the interplay between U.S. Law and International Law.Atlantic Legal does invaluable work in the area of corporate governance, working hard to protect America's economic prosperity by battling intrusive regulations and activist courts while insisting that corporations make themselves more openly accountable to customers and shareholders.