In 2009 Avv. Zanardi started her law practice in Italy, specializing in Italian Immigration cases and criminal cases as public defender. Since 2005 she has been training and working in a US Immigration Law firm at which she is now International Partner. Avv. Zanardi currently has a law practice in Bologna, Italy; is certified Foreign Legal Consultant for the Country of Italy serving clients in Pensacola, Florida; manages the Italian branch of Richard Alvoid, PA in Bologna, Italy; and serves as legal international partner, law clerk, accounting manager for the US branch of Richard Alvoid, PA.
Avvocato Zanardi is a lawyer licensed in Italy, certified by the Florida Bar as Foreign Legal Consultant for the country of Italy. She is the right advisor for any legal matter related to Italian laws. She specializes in Immigration to Italy (visas, permits, Italian citizenship, etc.) and can assist with retrieval of Italian documents. She also provides translations from Italian to English and from English to Italian. Avv. Zanardi also manages the Italian branch of Richard Alvoid, PA Immigration Law office in Bologna, Italy and has worked in US Immigration for more than 10 years.