I have been a therapist since 1999 after graduation from the Chicago School of Massage Therapy. In 2002 I began the practice of St. John Method Neuromuscular Massage, now called Neurosomatic Therapy. I have treated patients from infants to elders, desk jockeys to professional athletes and those in chronic pain to those seeking better performance. After co-creating and running the Center for Neurosomatic studies, practicing with the St. John - Clark Pain Treatment Center and lecturing on the national level, Ideal Posture Neurosomatic Therapy is my newest project.
Clinical, corrective therapy that treats the source of the problem. Neurosomatic therapy is a common sense approach to correcting the imbalances that cause pain in your body. This corrective method of soft tissue therapy has origins that go back 40 years with the development of the St. John Method of Neuromuscular Massage Therapy The goal of NST is to find the source of the problem. Through a deep understanding of the structure and function of the human body, NST is able to specifically target source issues and apply a unique set of techniques to eliminate the fundamental imbalances causing pain and dysfunction.