We started out as Unique Thriftique & Consignment, a Variety/Thrift/Consignment Shop, but we Now Give Loans as Well, Our New Name is Unique Thriftique & PAWN... NO Firearms or Title Loans, Just Very Cool & Awesome Items from the Past to Present. We Specialize in Vintage Smalls, We Now Buy Sell & Loan not only on Gold & Jewelry, but All Kinds of Items of Interest. We also love Musical Instruments & Vinyl.
Buy Sell Loan on Gold & Silver (Broken or New) Jewelry, Diamonds, Vintage Watches Tools, Coins, Guitars, Amps & Musical Instruments ,Vinyl, Cds Dvds,Video Consoles & Games, Vintage Toys, Electronics, TVs, Oddities, Art & Antiques, Comics, Collectibles, Sports, Military & Advertising Memorabilia, Neon, Vintage Audio, Mid-Century Smalls,Sculpture, Cool Stuff & MUCH MORE