New construction, single-family houses
Joak American Homes
In addition JOAK organization is affiliated with six other companies, which includes Kamman AFC, Inc, Homestead Residences, Inc, Tyler AFC, Inc, Carnegie AFC, Inc, Grand Traverse AFC, Inc and Triple M Plus, Inc. Our consumer populations are diverse. They include children and adults who are Developmentally-Disabled- ( DD ), Mentally-Ill ( MI ), Dual Diagnosis, consumers with Substance Abuse History, Hearing impaired, Blind, Elderly, Medically Fragile, Physically Handicapped, Autistic children, children with Cerebral Palsy and Severe Seizure Disorders. JOAK has a history of providing services and supports to individuals with multiple and intense needs. The organization succeeds very well with individuals that other providers reject or find difficult to handle. This is really one of JOAK's strength. JOAK acquired this value from orienting and training staff, as well as understanding that consumers are people with priority concerns or outcomes similar to everyone else, and that consumers are individuals first before they became disabled. This attitude has made our program very unique compared to other area programs. Many of our consumers/clients have moved away to independent living facilities, and some moved to less-restrictive living settings. The organization currently provides support coordination services and behavioral management for consumers with developmental disabilities in Macomb County of Michigan.