LensWorks Optical Labs LLC
Welcome to LensWorks Optical Labs Your Partner In SightEvery order taken and delivered to the LensWorks Lab comes to us with the tacit trust of both doctor and patient. Every day, we uphold that trust by dedicating and maintaining new machinery and new technology to every patients continued health. Whether you are a doctor or patient, we are your partner in sight, and its our job to uncover fresh ideas to make your lab relationship effortless and productive. We are confident that our Customer Service department is a cut above the rest.LensWorks Optical Lab now offers 5 unique in-house brands ALLWORKS, EASYWORKS, BOOKWORKS, FARWORKS, and SINGLEWORKSso you may provide your patients with even more options to help improve their eyesight.Lens technology is rapidly moving forward, and the role of the optical lab is changing to meet the resulting challenges. Doctors are looking to the lab not just to respond to patient needs, but to show greater capabilities in fulfilling more current standards. LensWorks remains at the forefront of providing such eye care solutions. As a wholesale independent optical lab, we pride ourselves on our service, our quality products, and our fast turnaround. We are proud to be one of the few remaining independent labs and in addition to offering all currently available brands, we also make top quality digital lenses the most accurate lens on the market.