VIP Caddymates was established as a model based caddie company in Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Miami and Canada. It has been under new ownership since late 2013 when it was sold to Vegas based Tenya Espinoza (former T-Mate at Rio Secco with Caesars Entertainment).
VIP Caddymates brings a new level of excitement to golf and enhances the fun of this traditional sport. Our beautiful and attentive caddies make the perfect addition to your next round of golf. These experienced caddies understand golf etiquette and are trained and tested before being contracted as VIP Caddymates. VIP Caddymates take care of everything including: * Birdie tricks * Refreshing your drinks * Tending the flag * Raking your sand traps * Retrieving clubs * Cleaning your equipment * Maintaining scorecards * Repairing divots * Calculating distance * ...And more