Mercy Health-the Jewish Hospital
Jewish Hospital Social Work department offers social work and discharge planning services to inpatients and outpatients. The main office of the Social Work department is located on the third floor Ambulatory Care Center ( 3 North ). Many of the social workers have offices on the units they work on. The department is staffed from 8 a.m. until 4: 30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Social workers are also available evenings and weekends. They can be reached through the nurse's station or hospital operator.Services OfferedMany patients who come to Jewish Hospital deal with medical problems that can be stressful and many patients do not know where to turn for help. Jewish Hospital social work department offers professional, compassionate help for patients. The services most often provided include:Assistance with decision-making and transfer to nursing homes, assisted living facilities and rehabilitation facilitiesInformation and referral to community agencies such as Senior Services, Meals on Wheels, Elderly Services Program, etc.Widow/Widower Support Group Sponsor: Jewish Family Service Description: Widow/Widowers Support Group, $20 annual fee, free trial visitsContact: Gwen Heilbrun LISW 513-766-3304 Support Group for Children Sponsored by: Fernside: A Center for Grieving ChildrenDescription: A place of comfort and support for children and teens, ages 3-18, and their families. Also support group for younger adults 18-26Grief Support Services Sponsored by: Hospice of Cincinnati Description: For those who have lost someone specialContact: Ken Czillinger, 513-742-6583 Grief Support Group Sponsored by: Cancer Family CareContact: Kathy Teipen ( 513 ) 474-6907 or 731-3346 Cincinnati Area Senior Services Description: This agency provides a continuum of services to meet the needs of older adults, including protective services, transportation, and home-delivered meals.