Commercial and industrial building operation
Burlington in Grand Prairie, TX, is a renowned discount retailer that delivers exceptional deals on a wide range of popular brands for the entire family and home, offering savings of up to 60% off compared to other retailers' prices. This store in Grand Prairie features a diverse selection including clothing for women, men, kids, and babies, as well as beauty products, shoes, accessories, and home décor. Shoppers can explore a variety of items for different age groups and genders, from trendy spring apparel for ladies, juniors, plus sizes, kids, and men, to stylish handbags, shoes, and beauty products to complete any look. Moreover, customers can discover significant savings on Easter décor, luggage, and more in the home décor section. Visit Burlington in Grand Prairie today to find irresistible deals you won't want to miss! *Please note that product styles, availability, and prices may vary at different store locations. The products showcased represent specific categories and may not be available at all Burlington stores. Advertised prices are subject to applicable state and local taxes and fees. "Up to" savings percentages are based on initial assortment offerings and are subject to limited supplies and changing inventory. For the best values and selections, shop early in-store. Comparable value is determined by our buyers' estimation of retail prices at full-price retailers.
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