We started buying storage units in 2011. We would get a list of auctions, go to a couple that were nearby, and hopefully we would get one. After that, we would have to clean them out. At this point in our business, we didn't have a store to sell out of so everything we got would have to be packed into the garage we were working out of. After the storages were cleaned out, we would then have to sort out all the garbage and put the sellable things aside. The majority of the items we sold would be from online sales. We would list things on Craiglist and eBay. We also had the occasional garage sale when we had too much in the garage. We realized that people that would come buy things they saw online wanted to see what else we had. The problem in that was we had no room to display our other items for people to see. So in January of 2013 we started renting the space we our shop currently is. We are attached to the Safe Keeping Self Storage building. On the left and all the way on the end.
We buy storage units so we have a variety of items. Antiques, clothes, a large record collection, electronics, and lots of household items. We also have a large selection of books in our media room, as well as a display case full of jewelry.