Tie One On is a family business that has grown over the years to bring more locations to you through out the state of Utah. We have not only grown in our company but have grown in the amount faithful customers who keep us going. We offer Men's & Boy's ties even Bow Ties and Zipper Ties. We even provide shoptieoneon.com for your convenience to know what is in store as well as make your purchase from home bringing our ties through out the United States!
Tie One On is dedicated to providing ties for every occasion. From Weddings & Choir Concerts to School Dances and Job Interviews there is a tie for you. Our price structure provides a tie for any budget at impressive rates. Our in store associates will be able to help you choose the tie for any occasion! So I guess you you could say we specialize in you. As long as the customer is happy we are happy. ~ Ties ~ Bow Ties ~ Kids Ties ~ Men's Ties ~ Boy's Ties ~ Novelty Ties ~ Skinny Ties ~