Pearl Farmers Market started in 2009. Pearl hosts a producers only farmers market. All Pearl Farmers Market vendors are located within 150 mile radius of San Antonio, Texas, providing fresh, local, and seasonal products that they themselves planted, raised, and harvested. Having local producers provide the goods you can buy affects what is offered at the market. Availability of certain goods depends on the season and the weather conditions. Being a farmer in Southern TX is not easy. Without water, crops do not grow. And without rain many of the wells and ponds, from where our vendors draw their water, dry up. At many of the produce booths, you will notice drought maps, and a big dark red blotch over Southern TX indicating an 'exceptional' drought. Produce vendors continue to bring what they can harvest from their fields and continue to plant for upcoming seasons. Pearl Farmers Market is grateful for your continued support and enthusiasm for local products.
Free cooking demo every Saturday starting at 9:30am and live, local music beginning at 10:30am. Eat Fresh - Shop Local - and Know Your Farmers! Pearl Farmers Market takes place at Pearl. Please note, other events sometimes take place on the property at the same time as the market, but you can always find the market vendors on the West lot (parking lot in front of La Gloria) at the corner of Isleta and Grayson. We also offer complimentary parking in the Koehler Garage.